The bi-annual meeting allowed the National Focal Points (NFP) to discuss the latest developments and experiences within their respective countries, as well as to provide inputs and guidance on current and future regional CBRN projects. The meeting was held at the Urban Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia on Tuesday 13th August to Thursday 15th August 2024.

The 18th Regional Round-table Meeting for Eastern and Central African was organised by the European Commission, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat for ECA in close coordination with the Government of Zambia.

Participating countries, including Seychelles presented the latest development in regards to CBRN initiatives. During the ‘NFP Experience Sharing’ session, the NFP of Seychelles, Ms. Vanesia Dodin, also the Head of Disaster Risk Mitigation Unit of DRMD, presented a report on the CBRN Awareness Campaign Mission held in Seychelles earlier this year, March 2024. The mission spearheaded the sensitisation of CBRN initiatives with local stakeholders and brought visibility to the role of the NFP in Seychelles.

During this presentation, Ms. Dodin explained the various cross cutting issues in ensuring CBRN risk mitigation measures in Seychelles. However, Ms. Dodin also added that initiatives are being implemented and supported in spite of the lack of understanding and awareness on CBRN initiatives in Seychelles.

Other key points addressed in this meeting was the progress and planning of continuous development and implementation of various CBRN projects such as, the Project 99 – Strengthening Biosafety and Biosecurity Capabilities in Eastern and Central Africa. The thematic session ‘CBRN materials crossing borders in Africa’ were also discussed, as well as the methods of detection, identification and measures for controlling crossing borders.