All posts by: Education Research & Information Unit

About Education Research & Information Unit

Tabletop Exercise On Friday the 18th November, the Disaster Risk Management Division (DRMD) in collaboration with the Seychelles Ports Authority (SPA) conducted a tabletop exercise with the aim of testing the efficacy of the current Port Victoria Emergency Preparedness Plan. The main objective was to identify gaps and limitations and assessing understanding of the plan […]

Representatives of the DRDM met with officials of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and national consultant Guy Morel this morning at DRMD Headquarters, Mont Fleuri.  The primary intent of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of a project in regards to the setting up of a network of information systems on food and […]

Mid-Term Review Validation Workshop Representatives from various organisations such as the Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency, Seychelles Meteorological Authority, Department of Tourism, Public Health Authority, Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles, Public Utilities Corporation, Cable and Wireless and others attended a validation workshop for the Sendai Framework Mid-Term Review this morning. The Sendai Framework for Disaster […]

The launching ceremony of the operationalisation of the National Integrated Emergency Management Plan (NIEMP) took place on 4th August 2022 at the Savoy Seychelles Resort & Spa, at Beau Vallon. Present during the ceremony was the President of the Republic, Wavel Ramkalawan, the Vice-President, Ahmed Afif, Speaker of the National Assembly, Roger Mancienne, Designated Minister […]