In accordance to the Disaster Risk Management Act, 2014 the Disaster Risk Management Division is established for the effective management of disaster through a comprehensive and integrated all-hazard approach and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.


Disaster Risk Assessment and Mitigation entails;

  1. Designing methods, establishing norms and criteria for auditing guidelines to undertake hazard surveillance identification, analysis and risk assessment.
  2. Supporting the development of community based sustainable development programmes and interventions aimed at reducing the risk and impact of hazards and disasters.
  3. Identifying areas of concern and to advice stakeholders on appropriate measures to minimises the impact of negative effects of all hazards.
  4. Contributing towards the promotion of situation awareness of different categories of potential hazards in the Seychelles.


Preparedness and Planning entails;

  1. Engaging governmental bodies, non-governmental organisations, private sectors and communities to develop and implement preparedness & emergency response plans and standard operating procedures in line with their functions;
  2. Engaging the governmental and non-governmental organisations to develop their Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to guide their functions during emergencies;
  3. Reviewing and approving all plans and Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) prepared by stakeholders and ensure integration and alignment to the National Integrated Emergency Management Plan;
  4. Monitoring the effectiveness of plans and SOPs produced request updating of these plans and procedures within specific timeframes;
  5. Providing technical assistance to stakeholders with the development and implementation of plans and procedures;


Humanitarian Affairs, Recovery And Enforcement entails;

  1. Coordinating, monitoring and promoting rehabilitation and recovery programmes for disaster risk management among government institutions, non-governmental organisations, private sector entities and communities including adoption of common standards and best practices.
  2. Supporting and ensuring the implementation of community-based recovery programmes and interventions aimed at reducing the risk and impact of hazards and disasters.
  3. Ensuring compliance and implementing of appropriate measures by stakeholders to prevent or reduce the impact of hazards.
  4. Developing guidelines on, and provide technical assistance to, the preparation of disaster risk management plans at national level with focus on humanitarian affairs and recovery.
  5. Supporting and putting in place appropriate measures to recover from the impact or negative effects of disaster.
  6. Coordinating, supporting and facilitating assessment following a disaster with the aim of recovery efficacy.
  7. Coordinating and facilitating national and international humanitarian assistance and response before, during and after a disaster.
  8. Collecting, compiling and processing data and information that will contribute towards evidence base and practicable decision making for recovery, humanitarian response and enforcement.


Education, Research and Information entails;

  1. Promoting capacity building related to the building of resilience and reducing vulnerability nationally.
  2. Creating awareness programmes towards disaster resilience nationally.
  3. Creating initiatives that raise human capital and the development of staff of the division.
  4. Preparing, implement and monitor training plans.
  5. Collecting, collating and processing information contributing towards effective, evidence-based decision making.
  6. Maintaining an efficient DRM database accessible to stakeholders.
  7. Coordinating national education, awareness and public relations activities related to DRM.
  8. Being the liaison between the division and the media.
  9. Creating, maintain and monitor the content of social media and other virtual information.
  10. Co-ordinating and promoting research activities relating to DRM in the Republic.