As directed in the Disaster Risk Management Act, 2014, the Planning and Preparedness unit responsible for supporting, organizing and executing functional and full-scale exercises in partnership with various partners, supported the Seychelles Petroleum Company (SEYPEC) Ltd in conducting its annual drill exercise.
The chosen scenario this year, was a fire erupting within the driver’s cabin of a SEYPEC bowser truck resulting in fuel spillage on the Latanier road alongside the Masion du Peuple. The exercise’s aim was to evaluate the level of preparedness of the SEYPEC truck driver’s and the SEYPEC operations personnel to respond to such emergency, as well as the response time of the external emergency responders. The Full-Scale exercise was conducted, yesterday, Thursday 22nd August 2024, 9am to 11am, two weeks following the Tabletop exercise conducted at the SEYPEC’s meeting room.
Following the evaluation of the scenario, the observers gathered at SEYPEC headquarters for further discussion of critiques, recommendations and the final debriefing.

The observers representing the Division were Ms. Aisha Rachel, Mr. Henry Moustache and Ms. Annicka Chetty from the Planning and Preparedness Unit, Mr. Gabriel Payet from the National Emergency Operation Centre, and Ms. Juliette Jeanny from the Education, Research and Information Unit.