Over the course of two days on the 15th and 16th of November 2022, the Disaster Risk Management Division (DRMD) and a number of stakeholders participated in an Introductory Workshop for the Incident Command System (ICS) and the operation of an Incident Command Post.
The Disaster Management Act 2014 empowers the DRMD to put in place appropriate disaster preparedness and response structures, including arrangements for effective disaster command, control, and coordination structures.
Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) need to be able to work to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the effects of incidents, and reduce the loss of life, damage to property, and harm to the environment. This multiagency liaison and coordination platform for all aspects of preparedness and a coordinated incident command system that ensures that multiagency partners can work together effectively in response to, and recovery from, any event that occurs.
Incident Command System (ICS), provides an organised set of standardised operational structures, which is critical in allowing distinct organisations and agencies to work together in a predictable, coordinated manner.
The half day exercise held at Oceangate House was led by Cliff Alissop, Senior Disaster Management Officer from the Disaster Risk Assessment and Mitigation Unit to provide knowledge on the what, how and why in terms of Incident Command Post.
Participants were provided with the opportunity to work through an incident stimulation followed by short de-briefs and discussions of ideas from groups and recommendations for improvement. These two sessions were part of an initial series that will be followed by training in radio communication that has been planned for 29th November to 1st December 2022.