The Disaster Risk Management Division Holds 3rd Staff Retreat to Reflect on Challenges and Successes of 2024
The Very First Seypec Fire Alert Drill on La Digue; Empowering Petrol Station Operators, Preparing for any Eventuality
Ongoing Volunteer Campaign for Disaster Preparedness and Community Resilience.
Strengthening Biosafety and Biosecurity in Seychelles.
Tree Planting for World Tsunami Awareness Day: A Step Towards Resilience.
Tabletop Exercise: Effective CBRN Planning and Response for Policymakers and CBRN Managers.
Strengthening Disaster Risk Management: The Second Biennial Workshop.
DRMD Officers Participated in Large-Scale Disaster Preparedness Exercise in Madagascar
Striving for National Resilience through Capacity Building Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction Financing.
Experience Exchange with the Bureau National de Gestion de Risques et de Catastrophes, Madagascar
Building a Sustainable Future!
The Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Planning
Risk Management and Planning training sessions for small tourism establishments.
The Disaster Risk Management Division, as the Seychelles Risk Mitigation Centre of Excellence (CoE), participated in the 18th Regional Round-table Meeting for Eastern and Central African (ECA) in the European Union (EU) Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) initiative.
The Disaster Risk Management Division Partook in the Validation of the Drafted National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCP)
The Disaster Risk Management Division Stands in the Continental Validation Workshop for the Third Biennial Africa Report 2021-2022 on the Sendai Framework.
The Disaster Risk Management Division Leads the Global Initiative of the Early Warning for All to Establish a Robust National Early Warning System in Seychelles.
Collaborative Meeting between the Eastern Africa Standby Force Early Warning and Seychelles Agencies Related to Early Waning
National Workshop to Advance the Inclusion of those with Disabilities in Seychelles
Technical Visit Barbados: Resilience Strengthening in the Caribbean Region and the Indian Ocean
The Regional workshop for the establishment of regional cooperation mechanisms on Disaster Risk Reduction in the Indian Ocean region
Investing in our youths for a disaster risk resilient future; The Disaster Risk Management Division collaborates with the National Institute of Health and Social Studies (NIHSS)
The Disaster Risk Management Division met with international partners to discuss the way forward in regards to the unknown substance that has been affecting those who come into contact with it
The Disaster Risk Management Divsion in collaboration with its partners provides an update on the incidences that gaseous substances have been affecting people in various regions who came in contact with it
The Planning and Preparedness Unit of the Disaster Risk Management Division met with the Project Officer of the Independence House to discuss the evacuation plan
The Planning and Preparedness Unit of the Disaster Risk Management Division meets with the Health and Safety sector of Seychelles Police Force to discuss the revision of the evacuation plan for the Central Police Station
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear interview at the Disaster Risk Management Division headquarters
Seychelles Petroleum Company collaborates with Asset Integrity Engineering (AIE) for Senior Level Management Training
The Disaster Risk Management Division attends the Regional El Niño Response Workshop held in South Africa
The Disaster Risk Management Division hosts its 2nd press conference on the suspected gas leakage in the Perseverance area
The Disaster Risk Management Division hosted the Forest Fire Contingency Plan workshop
Disaster Risk Management Division hosts the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear awareness workshop
Review of the District Contingency Plan Workshop – Day 2
Review of the District Contingency Plan Workshop – Day 1
Collaboration of the Seychelles Fire and Rescue Service Agency with the Disaster Risk Management Division